I'm going to use the GAME plan process to integrate technology within every lesson I create. Weather is educational networking or presenting projects to the class. Technology is a part of everyone's life.
Creating a wiki could be kind of difficult in my district due to FERRPA laws, however there are some web2.0 sites like www.edmodo.com that protect the privacy of the classroom.
While students are engage I can illustrate how to determine if a site is creditable for academic research. This will make the student aware that there are biases within the realm of the internet and every source must be verifiable.
Does anyone have any suggestions?
Personally, as I mentioned on my own blog, I do not plan to have my students create a GAME plan themselves. I want to have a GAME plan myself to use technology in different ways in my classroom. Then when I teach each topic I can integrate technology into the lessons I am doing which will naturally create a situation where my students are reaching different NETS-S goals.